Wait for Vi-Fi from Microsoft

August 30, 2008 at 8:26 am Leave a comment

Microsoft  is working on this technology in collaboration with the University of Massachusetts and the University of Washington.

Microsoft is developing a new technology dubbed Vi-Fi, which means Wi-Fi in vehicles.

This system will enable users to use Internet while on the move, and will cost less than existing cellular broadband systems.
The software giant is working on this technology in collaboration with the University of Massachusetts and the University of Washington.
This new technology promises to offer a steady signal unlike Wi-Fi networks, where each signal station (base station) only broadcasts so far, so users have to hop between stations. During these transitions, known as “hard handoffs”, the signal strength typically drops.
Today’s Wi-Fi handoff protocols are incredibly fragile in outdoor environments and mobile environments artificially limited to talking to only one access point, or only one base station at a time, even though there may be other base stations in the area.
Therefore, Vi-Fi is being designed to send and receive signals from more than one base station and the strongest strength gets designated as anchor, while others are also used as auxiliary systems.
Researchers with Microsoft, University of Washington and Massachusetts believe they are the first to suggest such a solution, which may finally make vehicle Wi-Fi workable. They have already tested the system on Microsoft’s campus in Washington and further planning to conduct the test on a bigger scale in the area surrounding the campus.
Source: Techtree.com

Entry filed under: Cell Life - Your Digital Journey, Internet, Microsoft, Technology, USA. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

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