Count Down begins for Startup Lunch…organised by CellStrat

August 31, 2008 at 11:39 pm Leave a comment

Adrenalin is simply gushing through all of us at CellStrat as we are the main conveners of Startup Lunch Delhi Edition – 3 (due on 6th. September, 2008), this time and hopefully for future events too.

We’ve been noticing something interesting. A Startup is probably the best place to be at for a fresher or for a professional who is looking for a career boost or to experience rapid growth. But the issue is that most freshers are not aware as to where to find these startups, neither are these startups able to be part of campus recruitment processes because of their small size.

This is a small effort towards that direction in making it happen with the most simplistic tools in place. All you have to do is click on the name of the city that you live in, hit register and enter your company name, along with the logo and website details if you are a company, or enter your name and details and arrive at the venue if you are a professional/techie looking to get plugged into a adrenaline-pumping startup.

This time, we are taking two new initiatives to make this event better then before i.e. we are building up a database of candidates who register so that the same can be forwarded to the participating companies for future hiring. Second, we are conducting an ideas jamming session with great prizes to be won.

So…what are you waiting for…join in by registering here and benefit out of this event. If nothing else, I am sure you will not feel that it has been a waste of time.


Entry filed under: India, Startups. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

Android Market announced… National Conference on Mobile VAS 2008

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