Posts tagged ‘3G iPhone’

gPhone or G1 – Google’s Android-based phone emerges

Well…here comes G1 – Google’s Android phone from T-Mobile USA. This is the iPhonesque phone from Google running its Android operating system and manufactured by HTC of Taiwan. Incidentally, it is also the first Android phone, Android being the Open Source Mobile Operating System being promoted by Google via its Open Handset Alliance (OHA).

G1 is available from T-Mobile USA from Oct 22 for $179 (with a 2 year contract) but the carrier is pre-selling the phone from today.

Take a look :

Google phone G1

Google phone G1


Google G1 (photo by Mark Lennihan)

Google G1 (photo by Mark Lennihan)

It looks nice. Does it compare with iPhone. It comes close but still does not beat iPhone sleekness. What about software ? We still need to see if the Android and all the Google apps loaded on it do any magic beyond the benchmark set by iPhone and its amazing software and application ecosystem. Android is supposed to create a great mobile software ecosystem similar to Apple and its iPhone environment.

For those who were holding out on buying an iPhone could take a shot at this one. But we doubt any iPhone owners out there would switch. iPhone 3G is just too good. Well we will see once we see adoption of the new Google phone. This is supposedly running the Google’s new shiny Chrome browser (actually Chrome Lite – mobile version of Chrome).

Some key Android features : openness – developers can develop application extensions to Android using its publicly available API. The G1 comes with maps, e-mail (gmail), instant messaging, music player and a camera. There is an Android Application store similar to the iPhone App Store. Google’s USP against the iPhone seems to be openness and willingness to let developers work more freely with Android as compared to the Apple’s tighter control over the iPhone application ecosystem. It could be a double-edged sword. Openness has its pros and cons. As to iPhone App Store, since its launch in July, users have downloaded more than 100 million applications for the iPhone and the iPod touch. Google has run Android developer challenge contest to get developers to create more Android apps.

For more details on G1, go to T-Mobile G1 site.

Welcome to the world of superphones. Superphone – a term informally being used for the ultra smart and ultra sleek new smartphones. This is a new world. We love this, finally mobile world is coming around with some cutting edge device and software innovation. Next we await the BlackBerry Bold – RIM’s answer to the iPhone and Google phone.

One thing is for sure. The new superphone world belongs to Apple, Google, RIM and Nokia. What about the rest ?

From a mobile OS perspective, there is a fight between Android, iPhone, Symbian, Windows Mobile, LiMo etc. Talk about fragmentation. Alas, if only developers could find a truly universal Mobile development ecosystem but without a PC-kind of monopoly.


September 23, 2008 at 10:29 pm Leave a comment

Portable Solar Charging Case for iPhone 3G…

One of the major drawbacks with the iPhone 3G is its weak battery. There are many solutions available in the market that enable iPhone users to enhance the battery time of their iPhones.

But there is one solution that is handier and more convenient than the others. It is the solar charging battery case from Mobile Fun.

It comes with a 1500 mAh battery that can be charged by sunlight in just three hours and it can also be charged via your PC using a USB cable. You can also use it to charge other USB devices. It is available in Black and White colors. For more information and to order it visit Mobilefun’s website.

Battery capacity: 3.7V, 1500mAh
Output voltage: 5V (maximum)
Output current: 450mA (maximum) + solar battery 100mA (maximum)
Charge voltage: solar battery 6V and USB/5V DC


August 9, 2008 at 4:10 pm Leave a comment

T-Mobile Plans Ap Store…

Sources say…T-Mobile Plans Ap Store. T-Mobile’s 31.5 million subscribers today vs. the 10 million iPhones Apple expects to sell by year-end. The impact of this move by T-Mobile could set off a wave of changes in the industry…


August 9, 2008 at 3:21 pm Leave a comment

When it comes to technology, late movers often seem to do better..

Businesses always make more profits when they get early mover advantage in the market for new technologies and ideas. Individual/ end users many a times get benefited when they adopt a technology in later stages of its development. Because by then, most, if not all, lacunae would have been filled by the manufacturers.  I sincerely hope that the reader of this post is getting, what I am pointing at…Yes…U guessed it right…I am talking about Apple’s new 3G iPhone

In India especially, there is a huge market for second hand phones and Chinese duplicate versions. When iPhone was launched first time by Apple, it became an instant hit everywhere around the world. But since it was on costlier side (Approx. Rs.30000+ in Indian currency), it could be afforded only by either business class people or people in high positions in companies. Surprisingly, it didn’t take even months or weeks but just a few days when iPhone came into market with no guarantees or warranties what so ever. These were imports from United States where iPhone was released first. Many people lost huge sums of money in buying these models just in hope that these may work just as good as the original one. There were hacking programs available in market which claimed to break the iPhone lock and make it work on the usual GSM carriers (similar story occurred in China).

And now…here you go…Apple has launched an all new upgraded version of iPhone and that too at less than half the old price (Approx. Rs.8000 – Rs.12500) in two storage versions i.e. 8GB and 16GB capacities. It has come out with more storage, better features and more affordable rates for everybody. Its 3G iPhone…and more

With fast 3G wireless technology, GPS mapping, support for enterprise features like Microsoft Exchange, and the new App Store, iPhone 3G puts even more features at your fingertips.And like the original iPhone, it combines three products in one — a revolutionary phone, a widescreen iPod, and a breakthrough Internet device with rich HTML email and a desktop-class web browser. It redefines what a mobile phone can do — again.

All these features are making the old iPhone users fume as they spent more to get less and now even if they want to resell their models, they will not be able to get even Rs.5000 for the same as the new upgraded 3G iPhone version with 8GB capacity will be just Rs.8000 approx. so why will anybody buy an old one for almost the same price…This justifies the title of this post…


June 14, 2008 at 3:47 pm Leave a comment

3G iPhone creates buzz

The new 3G iPhone is creating substantial buzz. Check out Om Malik’s interview with Ralph de la Vega, CEO of AT&T Mobility.

One of the concerns is that increase in mobile data usage for social networking, LBS or streaming video apps is going to cause a lot of network congestion on AT&T wireless network. Mr de la Vega is confident that AT&T network can handle it. For more power users of mobile data, the hope is that they are smart enough to use WiFi connection on the iPhone to download large data files instead of congesting the wireless network. A future filled with FMC devices like Femtocells only makes sense here. Femtocells will allow bandwidth hogging home wireless to pass on broadband wireline connections allowing the wireless network to remain somewhat available.

AT&T is taking some hits on its earnings estimates due to the lowered iPhone price and Apple is taking a hit as well as AT&T will no longer share the subscription revenue. But overall sales volume is expected to increase dramatically with the lower price and that is expected to more than compensate for the lower price on the device.

The new iPhone is loaded with good stuff. The App Store will allow for a slew of cool consumer and enterprise apps. The enterprise support is great with MS-Exchange integration. GPS is cool for LBS accuracy.

Nokia and RIM need not fear however. iPhone will only increase smartphone penetration increasing the size of the market for everybody. We feel the smartphones will cannibalize the non-smartphone cellphone market to some extent.


June 10, 2008 at 12:30 pm 1 comment

$199 3G iPhone

Reports indicate that AT&T may offer a $200 rebate on a 3G iPhone to be released this summer in the United States. This is interesting news as AT&T was not willing to discount the iPhone so far. This indicates that either there is pressure to increase iPhone adoption or AT&T is trying to create stickiness in case Apple has negotiated an agreement to sell an unlocked iPhone to the public.

Note that this $200 rebate will be given if the customers sign a 2 year contract or renew existing contracts. The $399 list price is for the 8GB iPhone. The 16 GB cousin goes for $499 and may get a $200 rebate as well on a two year contract.

This strategy may help accelerate migration of customers from competitors like Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile to AT&T.

Unconfirmed rumors also indicate that the other GSM carrier in USA, T-Mobile is turning on its 3G voice network in segments in next few days. There is only a voice rumor, 3G data may not be enabled yet on T-Mobile USA network. Even it was, the frequency T-Mobile is using is different than that of Apple iPhone / AT&T 3G frequency. So it is quite likely that the unlocked 3G iPhone will not work (in 3G mode) on T-Mobile 3G network (it may work on 2.5G / EDGE band of T-Mobile network though). Then the only audience for the unlocked 3G iPhone are folks who buy it and take it abroad for use on GSM networks in other nations. The whole T-Mobile story is a based on rumors so take it with a pinch of salt.

Average iPhone user spends $100 per month due to a higher priced data and voice plan. So AT&T can recoup the $200 iPhone rebate from a customer in no time.

The 3G iPhone comes almost on one year anniversary of the original iPhone. It is a fascinating device, to say the least. It has opened up new business models in mobile space by converting a bland mobile device into a personal portable computer. We continue to salute Apple for its innovation and creativity.


May 1, 2008 at 12:35 am Leave a comment

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