Posts tagged ‘cellphone’

CellStrat Annual India Mobile Media Survey 2009 – status

We are pleased to report that this survey that we started recently is progressing well. We have received some excellent responses from top executives who have shown high interest in mobile media and related applications on the mobile channel. Some very interesting observations are emerging (this is a sample from responses so far,  survey is still progressing so not done yet) :

– As suspected Airtel is most common operator in use and Vodafone follows after that.

– 93% execs use mobile phone for uses beyond talking

– All execs feel that mobile represents the biggest opportunity in next 5 years

– SMS is the killer data app with IVR also getting high marks

– Browsing, Search and Directions are most popular mobile web uses in that order. Banking is still low relative to these other uses – we feel trust factor is keeping banking low

– Mobile marketing campaigns are primarily about information disbursals rather than for promotions or customer service.

– Most execs give very high marks to mobile advertising. Of course SMS is the main theme here.

Well – we are confident that you will be enriched with the results of this survey. It is indeed coming out very well. We encourage media, marketing and technology heads to participate and others to get access to this survey. It is the most critical and actional business intelligence on the latest and most exciting media channel of today’s time – the mobile device.

To participate or get access to the survey report, please contact us at :

The final survey report will be available at the end of April.


March 16, 2009 at 10:32 pm Leave a comment

When it comes to technology, late movers often seem to do better..

Businesses always make more profits when they get early mover advantage in the market for new technologies and ideas. Individual/ end users many a times get benefited when they adopt a technology in later stages of its development. Because by then, most, if not all, lacunae would have been filled by the manufacturers.  I sincerely hope that the reader of this post is getting, what I am pointing at…Yes…U guessed it right…I am talking about Apple’s new 3G iPhone

In India especially, there is a huge market for second hand phones and Chinese duplicate versions. When iPhone was launched first time by Apple, it became an instant hit everywhere around the world. But since it was on costlier side (Approx. Rs.30000+ in Indian currency), it could be afforded only by either business class people or people in high positions in companies. Surprisingly, it didn’t take even months or weeks but just a few days when iPhone came into market with no guarantees or warranties what so ever. These were imports from United States where iPhone was released first. Many people lost huge sums of money in buying these models just in hope that these may work just as good as the original one. There were hacking programs available in market which claimed to break the iPhone lock and make it work on the usual GSM carriers (similar story occurred in China).

And now…here you go…Apple has launched an all new upgraded version of iPhone and that too at less than half the old price (Approx. Rs.8000 – Rs.12500) in two storage versions i.e. 8GB and 16GB capacities. It has come out with more storage, better features and more affordable rates for everybody. Its 3G iPhone…and more

With fast 3G wireless technology, GPS mapping, support for enterprise features like Microsoft Exchange, and the new App Store, iPhone 3G puts even more features at your fingertips.And like the original iPhone, it combines three products in one — a revolutionary phone, a widescreen iPod, and a breakthrough Internet device with rich HTML email and a desktop-class web browser. It redefines what a mobile phone can do — again.

All these features are making the old iPhone users fume as they spent more to get less and now even if they want to resell their models, they will not be able to get even Rs.5000 for the same as the new upgraded 3G iPhone version with 8GB capacity will be just Rs.8000 approx. so why will anybody buy an old one for almost the same price…This justifies the title of this post…


June 14, 2008 at 3:47 pm Leave a comment

Relief in sight for Indian users of Blackberry

One of the senior officer’s of Department of Telecommunication in India has informed media that “There is no problem with the BlackBerry handsets or services and BlackBerry services are not going to be discontinued in India.” This is inspite of the fact that Research in Motion — the Canada-based maker of the push-mail device — is yet to resolve India’s security concerns.

The issue rose due to recent terrorist attacks in Rajasthan. Indian security department officials had raised an objection on encrypted messaging that happens from Blackberry devices which is being used by terrorist groups regularly for communication.

RIM’s spokesperson in India informed that they are still in talks with senior government officials over this issue but he also said that till date outcomes of these meetings have been positive.

Thus, I can say that many Blackberry enthusiasts in India will now be able to buy the device and fulfill their wishes to be among Blackberry users.


June 13, 2008 at 3:11 pm Leave a comment

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